In contrast, the high priest was magnificent in his clothing. I’m not sure that we have it right, but, nevertheless, that’s the way it is today. It’s only among homo sapiens that the male is drab, dull, and subdued in his attire, while the female is the one who goes in for color and adornments. The male is much more colorful and ornate than the female. That’s especially true among the birds and fish. It is quite interesting that in nature the male is clothed more attractively than the female. The garments of the high priest were glamorous they were colorful and very beautiful. Listen to this:Īnd thou shalt make holy garments for Aaron thy brother for glory and for beauty. Now the garments of the priests in particular are given to us in Scripture with emphasis, and the dress of the high priest is given in great detail. Candidly, the outer man is not too important if the inner man is not what it should be.

The Word of God puts a great deal of emphasis on the inside rather than on the outside. Following the injunction of Scripture in the matter of adornment, the ornament of the meek and quiet spirit is in the sight of God of great price. It’s generally conceded today by spiritual and sensible believers that a Christian should dress in style but be modest in apparel so as not to attract attention to the physical. And that’s been especially true of the female of the species.

You can go back to the days of the Puritans, and even move all the way back to the early church in the first century, and find that there has always been a great deal of disagreement on how a believer should dress. The matter of the dress of Christians has always been a controversial subject. A male fashion show is comparatively new to us, but it is as old as the nation Israel. We are going to see today what the well-dressed high priest wore in Moses’ day. Now we are going to have a Scripture fashion show. By the way, have you tried to eat five bushels of pomegranates? By four o’clock that afternoon I had five bushels of pomegranates on the back patio of the manse where I lived! Everyone contributed to my education of what a pomegranate really was. I was sure the pomegranate of Scripture grew on a tree.

I was confident that it was not what we called the pomegranate in Texas because there it grew on a vine. The first sermon that I preached on coming to California was “Golden Bells and Pomegranates.” At that time I expressed my ignorance of just what a pomegranate was.