The software is developed using Mono, the multi-platform version of. View the Project on GitHub cpipero/ArduinoLadderĪrduinoLadder is an open source project that allows users to develop Arduino sketches using a graphical ladder logic editor. For this application, I created an OpenPLC project with three programs: a ladder program, a function block program, and a structured text program.GUI application to create Arduino programs using ladder logic (like a PLC) OpenPLC has a good number of optional communications packages and subsidiary I/O components ( Figure 1). I didn't install the OpenPLC graphic builder instead, I used Node-RED dashboards as my final user interface. The OpenPLC runtime has a web interface, so logic can be uploaded through a web browser.

For my installation, I put the OpenPLC editor on my Ubuntu PC for some standalone configuration and testing, but you could also load both the editor and OpenPLC runtime on a Raspberry PI. You can find specific instructions for your installation online.

The OpenPLC software comes in three packages: a logic editor, the runtime component, and a graphic builder. The programs in the projects presented here connect to the Raspberry Pi general purpose input/output (GPIO) pins for basic read and write functions then, the PLC project passes data by Modbus TCP to a Node-RED dashboard. In this article, I introduce IEC 61131-3 programming by creating three small OpenPLC programs that use ladder logic, function blocks, and structured text programming languages. The OpenPLC open source software runs on a Raspberry Pi, Linux, or Windows PC, and it offers users a great way to learn industrial control concepts, programming languages, and communications protocols. A programmable logic controller (PLC) is a hardened industrial hardware device that manages I/O and logic according to the IEC 61131-3 standard. If you are interested in looking at an industrial controls approach to your automation projects, then OpenPLC is a good package to consider. Home automation projects can take advantage of a number of good software packages (e.g., Home Assistant and Node-RED) to manage and monitor sensors and controllable devices.